Note: If you are new to the concept of roles, it will be beneficial to read An Introduction to Permissions, Roles, and Access Groups.
The primary concept of a "Role" is a pre-configured set of permissions that control the way someone can interact with CROSStrax. You can create as many roles as you need to effectively control each user's access. It is best practice to create roles that match the different job titles your employees have, as this makes it easy to configure default permissions based on their job functions.
Need to know what modules the permissions control? What permissions can I control in Roles and Access?
Creating a New Role
To create a new role, click Settings in the left side menu and click the Role and Access link. You will be able to add an Employee Role or an Investigator Role by clicking on the plus icons just to the right of the corresponding titles.
You will now have the opportunity to create a new role by adding the name of the new role. Once you've added the name of the new role, click Add New to complete the entry. The new role has been added.
Edit a Role's Name
To change the name of the role, click the edit icon (see below) next to the corresponding role, edit the name to what you desire, then click Update. The new role name is now listed.
Manage a Role's Access
To manage a roles access level, look at each function on the left hand side and click each level of access you would like to change (red box). Reference the top left section (blue box) that describes each level of access, once the changes are submitted have the user log out and then log back in for the changes to be active.
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