From within CROSStrax, the client contacts that work for your clients. Before you can begin client contacts, you must first create a client.  

What is the difference between a Contact and a Client.  The Client is a Company.  The Contact is a person who works for the company.  Think about this scenario ABC Law Firm (Company) has 25 Attorneys (Contacts) that work for them.

To create a new contact, click the Clients tab in the left side menu, and then click Contact List from the sub-menu. This will bring you to the Contact Search page. In the top right of the page, click Add Contact.

You will now have the opportunity to create a new contact by adding the following:

  • Client - First you'll select the client this contact should be associated with.
  • Name - The name of the individual at the company or organization. 
  • Title - The position or role the individual has at the company or organization.  
  • Phone Numbers - You can add up to two telephone numbers for each contact.
  • Fax - The primary fax number for this client.
  • Email - The primary email, will also be used as the contacts Username in CROSStrax.
  • Password - This will auto-populate and you can send a new username & password to this user by checking the corresponding box. Also, you can ask that the contact reset their password on on their next login by checking the corresponding box.
  • Manager - If the contact has a manager that is already added in CROSStrax, you can select their manager here to create a business hierarchy.
  • Active/Inactive - This will decide if the contact's account is active or inactive.
  • Addresses - The address of the company or organization. The address will auto-populate, so if different, you must edit the addresses - physical and mailing. Start typing the address into the box that says "Enter a location". Once you see the desired address, select it from the menu and the system will auto-populate the rest of the address fields.

Once you've completed these steps, click Submit to complete the entry.  For more help working with Contacts, check out the tutorial video below.

This video covers the Contacts feature and includes:

Difference between contacts and clients

Viewing and editing contacts

Searching for contacts

Multiple contacts who work for a company

Viewing cases from a contact

Setting up a contact's profile with information, designating a time zone and special handling instructions (SHI)

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