The system will pick up any email that is sent to [email protected]

Example:  If your account is at, then your system email address will be [email protected].   Any emails sent to this address will be logged in the system

In order for the email to be AUTOMATICALLY placed in the case it is in reference to, the subject line needs to have the subjects name and file #, so the system knows which file to place the email in. 

Subject line example
SUBJECT: Jane Doe PRIMARY CLIENT FILE #: 20190548944

If it doesn't the email goes into the "emails" bin. Go to the top of CROSStrax and click in the "emails" icon. 

This will take you to the manage CROSStrax emails page. You will be able to move the email into the correct case from this page.   

Click on the email and then enter the subject name or claim #. A list will then popup for you to select which case the email needs to go into.