1. Select the option inside the Account and Billing from the top right drop down menu on the Account Holder's profile.

2. Inside a case file click on the CTX E-Sign tab (Red Arrow) then click "Add New Document" (Blue Arrow). 

3. In the next section you need to first select the document you want to digitally sign (Red Box), you can either add a file from your computers file explorer (Left) or you can choose from an existing document in the files tab of the case file (Right). After adding the file you need to add a Title to the document that is getting the digital signature (Blue Box). The following settings need to be set: 

  1. The document requires all signatures before being completed. (Black Arrow)
  2. Once the signatures are complete it will move to the documents tab. (Green Arrow)
  3. Expiration date for the document. (Purple Arrow)

Last you will need to add the name and email address of the people who will be signing the document. 

Once the document has been added and the settings have been set, click submit. 

4. Select your desired fields you would like to place inside the document. Make sure each field has the correct color code associated with the right signer. Once the fields have been placed in the right areas of the document click "Send" to send the document to the people who will be signing the document. 

5. Once all the individuals have signed and submitted the document that was sent to them the document will be listed as "Complete" in the CTX E-sign tab. You will also have the option of downloading the completed document.